Ezra reminded me of crying today, since he mentioned some dude crying.. funny that. Anyhow, what's the dealio with that? Crying. I remember the last two times I cried emotionally.
1) Circa 1985. Guinea pig dies due to what is most likely a nasty case of pneumonia. I'm quite distraught. Cats, they come and go, but *guinea pigs*..
unrelated note: some years later i discover that guinea pigs do in fact exist in the real world, live in the wild, and are not a genetic hybrid produced by the hasbro company
2) Circa 1997. Girlfriend Cries due to what is most likely a nasty case of long distancitis. I'm heading off to college in a day, it's sunny out, it's August, everyone else gets to stick around for another whole week. I cry cause she cries and then I cry cause there is a lot in there. I figure as long as I am emptying things out, I might as well do a full job of it and I never cry again in my life.
unrelated note: Girlfriend Cries rymes with Guinea pig dies
My roommate tells me he sees people in public crying all the time. People at the bus stop, people in the financial aid office, people in the grocery store, people at the mall, people walking down the street. I'm not sure I've ever seen anyone crying in public. This makes me wonder. What else am I missing? What else are people doing on the street that I am completely unawares of?