Do we have a right to anonymous viewing? Do we have a right to cover our tracks?
In the real world I can go and purchase the latest GQ and read through it without someone asking for my name or my phone number (unless I buy it at Radio Shack, though they have apparently finally given up on that). In the real world I can buy the New York Times to wipe up last night's puke without being profiled into some database. In the online world, however, I can't even read a blogspot without being watched, monitored, counted, and tallied. Every click, glance, and eye twitch is recorded for the future control of my consumer life. Sometimes in the form of surveys or logins or free membership, but also behind the scenes without my knowledge at all - sniffing and poking and prodding my machine for information. What OS are you, Where are you from, What browser are you using, When was the last time you were at this site?
So where does it end? And to what end do we shackle ourselves to this control? Where is the line between positive information collection to better the sites we visit and the negative information collection to abuse the visitors of the sites?
Do I have the right to read your site anonymously?
Do you have the right to see who is reading what on your site?
Which is the stronger of the two rights in your mind?