Flax Oil
Day 0
Mama Rosie's Cheese Ravioli w/ Mushroom and Onion Hannaford Sauce
After a number of discussions with a one Sam
Funk Beast toting Sewall and another Alexander
Sauceman Schwartz on or about the week of December 29th, 2002 in regards to the positive effects of Flax Seed Oil on one's general disposition and health I have decided to give it a go. Flax Seed Oil was procurred on this, the 29th day of January, 2003 and the oil-richened diet regimen has been instated. I'll try anything once, twice if it feels good.
Let it be known that in this month of January on Wednesday the 29th in the year 2003 I have started my Flax Oil regimen.
January 29th, 2003 Day 0 (so we will call it, as it is the first day of Oil consumption - late in the evening)
I poured a tablespoon or so of the oil over some mama rosie's ravioli and sauce and enjoyed. The level of sleep deprivation of late, however, has been particularly high so we may not be able to measure the positive effects right away. The evening of the 29th and the early morn of the 30th were spent playing monopoly and only ~3hrs of sleep were procurred.
subject's notes:
I was lucky enough to be presented with a number of cute little hippy girls while purchasing the Flax Oil from the Whole Grocers on Marginal Way - looks like the oil is working already and I haven't even ate any yet. When I finally did, I ate in silence, staring at the oil mixing with the sauce. I waited for a hint of flavour. Nothing. Little sleep last night and little likely tonight so that may effect the experiment. Looking forward to Day 1.