what am i doing being an audiologist? seriously. do you wonder that sometimes?
yes ross, i do. i actually wonder about that more than i should normally wonder about another man's profession.
i do. i mean sure, i can do it and all. it's not that it's miserable. it has it's pros and cons like anything else. but i was thinking today that it really isn't my passion.
No ross, it isn't.
one of the girls in my class said that she took a test in high school that's supposed to tell you your ideal carreer. she said that her test said "audiology", which i thought was a bit strange...then she said she still wasn't sure what she wanted to do with her life her junior year at college so she took another test and it told her "audiology". that baffles me.
That baffles me, too, ross.
maybe those tests do mean something.
Or maybe not, ross. Maybe they mean that if you take them and then do what they say, you'll end up in the profession they tell you that you should be in?
maybe i should have taken more of those tests and seen if they came up with an ideal job for me. to be honest i'm not sure audiology is *ideal* for me. we'll see. i mean it's not bad...but it doesn't move me like the movie "Spiderman" moved me.
That's a really good point ross - the bit about the Spiderman movie.
i think i'm gonna take one of those tests and see what it says about me. i can always do audiology for a while and then do something else. but sheesh. i'm half way through a doctorate and it worries me that i'm questioning my career choice. does it worry you?
Yes, very much so. It worries me to death, ross.
or are you still thinking about being god?
No, I'm sure about that one.