Hey Alex, how is it going?
I wish I had no identity, and that the government had spent 30 million dollars training me to be a super-human assassin.
Hmm.. That sounds like a lot of work
Would be better than being a super-asinine human.
You have a point there.
So, I have been mourning the fact lately that I will never be a professional assassin, and trying to drown my sorrows in drugs and alcohol.
How is that working out for you?
Though these things markedly improve my quality of life on a semi-regular basis, I feel that I especially do not have adecuate commitment to the drugs. It seems funny to me that I am contemplating culturing a lifestyle that jives with the stereotype of california, because it is so un-ironic.
It's sort of ironic... isn't it?
There is absolutely no irony connected with it. Funny, and interesting. No irony.
Just wanted to make that clear.
Clear as a whistle.
Anyway. The worst part of being an assassin is that the kind of drugs they do don't make them high, only give them headaches. So, instead of bemoaning the fact that I am NOT an assassin, I am making the best of the life that I have, given that the government has not trained me as an instrument of death. This is particularly un-funny, in light of Bush's speech of death today.
It's always good to try and make the best of things... speeches of death be damned.
What can you do? Besides hope and pray every minute that the government will choose me to be an deadly assassin.
Your hopes and dreams are in my prayers, old buddy.