I cracked my wrist again. It hurts like a mofo and makes weird noises. I thought, again, it would be a good idea to be familiar with my bike. It would be a good idea to be able to *know* if I had the brawn to heft that beast up off the ground if she ever fell over. So I laid her down gently and, on the way back up the wrist cracked out an alarming cry and now I'm back to square one. Som'bitch. At least I was able to lift the bike back up.. that would be a little embarrassing having to call someone to come to my work and help me. 425 lbs. of italian goodness and she has to go and hurt me like that.
It hurts to pick up a coffee cup.
It hurts to spread my fingers out as if I were trying to palm a basketball - as if I could even palm a basketball.
It hurts to spin the mouse wheel a little bit so you can imagine what else is gonna suffer... the ladies will not be pleased.
But hey, at least I can trype... I mean type.
In England the say tyre, it seems. Tyre and Neighbour and Labour. I like that. In Canada I bucked the trend a bit because I hated how the said
Zed for the letter Z in that snotty up crust way.
Now take X and Y and multiple it by a co-efficient of friction Zed.
I write colour all the time now, though. And I say grey. I like it cause it freaks the word processors out. Even OpenOffice.
I like that OpenOffice.org's acronym is OOo. Cute. Wish I'd thought of it.