I hate misinformation. I hate presumptions based on loose "facts" that prove to be wrong. I don't mind an opinion here and there, or even an original idea or two, but geez people.. Get things straight.
Contrary to what many seem to believe:
1) Blacks in the United States of America account for approximately 12% of the population. Not 25% or 40% or even, as some have suggested, 60%. Just 12%.
2) Hispanics have recently surpassed blacks in number in the United States of America - approximately 13% now - as reported by the U.S. Census Bureau.
3) There are 5 great lakes - 6 if you count Lake Champlain - and they are: Superior, Huron, Michigan, Ontario, and Eerie.
4) The United States of America is almost identical in size of land mass to that of Canada (approximately 96% if you count water).