In other news...
I paid about 1/2 of Lisa's student loan debt in taxes this year alone. Only problem is - here in the U.S... somewhere.. there probably _is_ a student getting free fucking money. MY free fucking money. I'm not entirely sure, but that student's name may be Alexander FUCKING schwartz.. and he may be spending MY FREE FUCKING
MONEY on $2 bottles of wine with which to woo the ladies. FREE FUCKING LADIES my friends... free ladies. Meanwhile his venezualan drug-smuggling oil baron parents roll in the dough that I am paying at the pump - and in the back alley. Where is the justice? His parents make money on my bad habits (burning fossil fuels) and my
needs (drugs) and he is drinking $2 bottles of wine for FREE on MY FREE FUCKING MONEY? Where is the justice?
Money for Nothing and Your Chicks for Free