Last night convinced me that if I watched more tv - any tv at all, really - I'd have more to write about here on the Erp. But for your sake I don't cause it wouldn't be good reading. It would be angry vehement rancid seething violent angry ranting and that's no fun.
The Dixie Chicks were on ... umm.. some dumb show I turned on last night. Barbara Walters.. or Connie Chung (I can never tell those two apart) was interviewing them about some political snaffu.. Something about how they had ranted on stage about Bush and now people are up in arms and coming to their castle with stakes and pitch forks. What little I watched consisted of Barbara Chung sternly asking the Chicks if the repented, if they accept their sins.. and the Chicks morosely looking down at the floor and shaking their heads yes, but at the same time trying to point out their right to free speech.
Why, in the 21st Century (That's 21st people! The Century of Buck Rogers and Flyer Cars), do we still have to
point out our freedom of speech? WHY do we have to go on tv and quote Roosevelt and cry a little and dab our eyes with a hanky just cause we said "Bush is a ninny".
The show.. or Connie.. or Barbara (whatever) kept voicing over:
"Have the Dixie Chicks ruined their fame and fortune? Are their careers over?"
Fuck you. sit down. go home. Christ, no one's career is over. (except maybe Connie.. I'm pretty sure she wasn't there)
Yah see? Like I said: angry seething rancid violent ranting. It's so bad I can't think straight. I can't even put words to paper worth a damn it bothers me so much.
Don't watch TV kids, it ain't doing you no favours. Stick to the movies - where it's all
based on a true story but you know you can go home and say "That wasn't real".