And they want to reconstruct Iraq. Give the contracts to Hally Ber-ton. Whatev. Just a trick on words to do what I want them to do.
Piscataquis County.
In the great state of Maine - the only single syllable state of the union so when you are breathing your last breath you can still say bye to Maine.
And the longest coast of the union stretching thousands of miles even though no one believes it like no one believes canada and the states are about the same size.
And Vacationland.. where the triphappy family wagons come to park in the lots while the kiddies kick up the sand and slap and the bugs and wonder why they left their air conditioned hell somewhere down the east - down south from the variety is the spice of life climate that is Maine weather.
Shit. It's raining.
No, it's done now.
Piscataquis County. It's 17,000 people and the size of Connecticut and only 6 dentists to go around. That's over 22 people a day for each of them. Hope they don't need vacation. afterall, they are living in vacationland so they shouldn't have to go nowhere, right?
Good thing too cause their per capita is $14,374. Median Household at $28,250 and 15% in poverty.
Ain't going nowhere real fast.