Never before has my current headline been more correct. Yesterday, a lazy Sunday I think, after a late breakfast of eggs, bacon, pancakes, and homefries at Big Mama's I came back to the house for an afternoon nap. I hadn't even really planned on the nap - more a slouch in front of the tv for an hour or two - but it turned into one quick enough. I was feeling the heaviness of sleep creep on me like a bad date so I gave in and stumbled up the stairs to my room. I left myself spread out on the bed at 4pm, clothes still on, and when I came back from whence I came it was much much later. I don't know exactly when it was but the darkness and the quiet whir of the box fan told me I should just settle in for the night. I managed to shed most of my clothing by morning, I think.. and I finally climbed out of bed at 11am - 19 hours later.
It's been a very long time since I've spent 19 hours in bed. In fact it is quite possible that it has never happened before. This is curious because just the other day my new roommate stumbled from his room after 22 hours of sleep. Perhaps there is a curse.. a spell. Perhaps this apartment is under the influence of something.. someone.
Or perhaps the lack of alcohol has made me into slow molasses. Maybe what I need is a good kick in the gut from a bottle of Jim or Jack. Maybe my life needs a new jump start.