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Michael considered fate at 12:43   |   Permalink   |   Post a Comment
I was grouchy, having worked late... I announced this when I sat down, thinking it best to warn people when I am in this sort of mood.

There is nothing better than a grouch who can admit it and take measures to alleve the situation. I much appreciate that. A lot of my friends will just get grumpy and expect the world to fix it for them. They will hurumph around the bar and make snide remarks because - hell, if they're in a bad mood, shouldn't everyone be? Sometimes I get in a dumpy mood and I'll say so. I'll say "watch out folks, I'm pissy". I use that term a lot - pissy but I'm not sure where I got it from. It seems to fit the bill just about right. I'll say "watch out folks, I'm pissy, and I make no promises as to my company" but they usually say come on down anyway. Sometimes people like a grump - it makes them feel better. As the saying goes:

Putting other people down makes me feel better

So goes hanging out with people who are worse off than you. That little fender bender doesn't seem so bad when the guy next to you just caught his wife cheating with his boss, who fired him cause he didn't knock.

It's probably why bars are so popular. No where else can you be assured to find a fellow down-n-outer than in the deep recesses of a dingy little bar. Okay, maybe the soup kitchen, but that isn't everyone's scene.

Other places will surprise you. The grocery store.. A baseball game. People have a tendancy to want to share their woes.. which is sort of strange because it seems it would be a detractor on an evolutionary level. Learn to keep shit to yourself or else, yah know? Who is going to hire the guy who, in the interview, breaks into tears about how he can't hold down a decent job? Not me..


Yeah, well you're a bleeding heart and a sap for it and you're just as bad as the bastards in the white house for it. There has got to be a little moderation but that's the hardest thing of all. People only want to accept the black and the white.. none of this inbetween bullshit because then no one wins. Our whole lives - our society - our very existence - is based upon people winning, and people losing.

If everybody wins - everybody loses.

Evolution gets broken.

It's a cute idea but people can't make it work. It's like communism.. all fair and equal and if you still think that's a good idea.. well cripes - move to Russia.

People need to know their place. They need to know who is in charge and what is expected of them or they tend to malfunction. There is a reason the CEOs of America make 1000 times more than the average worker - and there is a reason the benevolent ones tend to work out the best. Nature is a give and take and sometimes you gotta give a little.. and sometimes you gotta just bend over and take it.

Take it like a champ cause you know your place.. at the bar.. in the back where no one will see you ordering the cheap stuff.

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