My pal Tom weighs in with advice for how to handle
The Doktor, as I will call her:
I like the idea of the Tuesday first date, you can play it like, "I don't really want to waste one of the big three on you (thurs, fri, sat), and I know drinks will be cheaper tonight and that's important to me because I'm really cheap,"
See? Tom knows me like no one else. That's what three years of living in the same apartment will do for you. Now, he looks out for me when things get tight and I need some good thoughts sent my way. He continues:
or you can be like, "I think this could go places, and I want to make sure you keep Saturday afternoon free for a little walk in the park, followed by a romp at my apartment because that will be our third date and you are no longer a slut for doing so, which is important becuase I'm looking out for your feelings."
Sage advice, as always, Tom.. Sage advice. What would I do with out you?
Yeah, Tuesday's a good choice.
Thanks Tom.