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The Doktor
Michael considered fate at 14:19   |   Permalink   |   Post a Comment
With baited breath, I am sure, you all await the latest update from Tuesday night trivia.

Alas, it was another false climax this week as she failed to show for the second week in a row. I'd all but signed her off and sent her to the dumpster today when, strolling into my friend's cubicle here at work I noticed his magic eight ball.

I asked a few questions about the doktor that I shall not repeat here.

"Most Definitely" it said.

A mixed bag, if you knew the questions I asked, but somewhat hopeful nonetheless. But, regardless, I had truely signed the whole ordeal off as a bad episode..

So I was stepping out of the cubicle, the past behind me, when I overheard the next guy over on the phone:

"..Doctor at that Practice, her name is the doktor.." (names changed to protect the not-so-innocent)

A little history here - one of my company's many markets is medical software, of a sort. It is, in fact, the sort of stuff I work on here.

Now, I'm not superstitious and I don't believe in fate and that sort of stuff.. but things just started getting weird. The coincidence of me being in that cubicle asking the eight ball doktor-questions at the exact moment that her name was uttered not more than 8 feet away... hullo creepy.

I relayed the story to my co-worker but before I could finish he said:

"Oh, I know her.. she delivered my last kid"

... uhh

"I know her cousin"

... uhh

And as they sing, It's a Small World Afterall.

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Check out heroecs, the robotics team competition website of my old supervisor's daughter. Fun stuff!
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