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Michael considered fate at 23:38   |   Permalink   |   Post a Comment
Finally gave the White Stripes a chance and - hullo? Pixies? Frank Black? Hullo - Rolling Stones? Hullo?

Not to say it's "rip off" music.. I just think it's quality rock.

See, here is the secret - it doesn't take much to make quality rock and roll. Not much at all. A few cords. Some anger.. Some melancholy. Mix it all together with a drum set and you get good stuff. It's not nearly as hard as everyone wants to make it out to be. That's just it. that's just it.

But maybe people just need their heros. People need their hope and their dreams and they really want to feel like someone out there can make it a-ok for them - cause even if that person doesn't go ahead and make it ok for them - they are at least out there..

See.. everyone is doing math in their head, every day, without even realizing it. They calculating the probability there is someone to save them. They're realizing the the mathematical possibility of happiness. They are meeting, greeting, dating, hating.. everyday.. like a big hunk of graph theory for breakfast.

Einstein had nothing on us social lites.

Einstein and Watson (no.. not that one.. no no, not that one either.. yah that one) and Crick and that heiny fella with that whole uncertainty thing.. they got nothing on us.

Which reminds me. Nixon thought he'd make a good Pope. What's up with that?

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