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Michael considered fate at 11:52   |   Permalink   |   Post a Comment
I'm a boob man, too. So when started going on about them and pointing to all these various crazy boob sites and talking about brit tabloids and their wealth of nekkid flesh.. well damn, I'm at work. I know enough when the right time and the wrong time to look at boobs is but it doesn't make it any easier not to click on the links.

Boobs, I have to say, are some of the oddest things. Based souly on the utilitarian usage, one has to wonder why size is so variant among the women of this earth. Surely if an a-cupper can breast feed a child than there is no real need for the d-cup. Yet it is a natural phenomenon regardless. Sure, general size and obesity can sometimes be a factor in the size of the boob but we've all seen that tiny girl nearly toppling over from a top-heavy situation. We've all heard about breast-reduction. How much does the boob enter into Mate Value(tm).

Mate Value is a fairly obvious and self-explaining term, but for the sake of being thorough: My pal Alex, an occasional guest poster to this very site, is a Evolutionary Psychologist - or at least he pretends to be. He pretends to go to school for his PhD. As much as he pretends, he has a lot of very real opinions about the people on this earth and how they interact and why. Most questions directed to him, though, are easily and simply answered right away with two very simple words:

Mate Value.

So, inevitably, his general advice on women - men - love in general - is to increase your mate value. To quote the Tao of Steve, "If you desire a woman, first and foremost you must not desire the woman. Secondly, do something excellent in their presence."

Easy enough, right? Right.

But back to the main point - where do boobs fall in? I would suppose the natural tendancy is to see a woman with larger boobs as more fit to bear children - as more "healthy" and "able" to feed her children. Is it that simple? Where does the Oedipus complex enter into it? Did nature intend to account for that, or is it a slippery by-product of our emotional minds?

Then there are the small boob guys. Some of them say a handfuls enough, the rest is a waste. Others say a mouthful. Some don't seem to care at all. Where do they enter into the equation. Are they the inevitable anomalies in the system - the mistakes? Or is there a reason for them as well?

Is it as simple as variety is the spice of life?

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