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j e double l o
Michael considered fate at 17:55   |   Permalink   |   Post a Comment
Jaime is like the Duane Moore (of Texasville) of bloggers. Solid and stable in that exhausted/depressed why-do-I-bother way. That's just fine with me. Things like that make me feel ... well, not safe really, but just.. normal. People like him make me feel like the world makes sense, for the most part. Then there is raymi, who I don't know why I mention - she gets enough post-play as it is, but she is the sort of Raoul Duke (of Fear and Loathing), in her own way. And if she is Raoul, then Anti is the fat Samoan "lawyer" played by Del Torro, I guess.

Tony is the Don - the Godfather... almost. But he's got his troubles too and he lets them show like a modern-man, all sentimental and out on his sleeve like that. The Don wouldn't have ever done that, but maybe that's why today is better than yesterday?..

I could go on and on but my point is that it's nice to see others out there, doing their thing.. leading their lives. Maybe I'm crazy but it seems like most of the blogs I read are written by people rich with social culture - people who have tons of fun, and even more friends, and they're just happy to be able to jot even the slightest portion of that down for all of us to enjoy.

It's nice to see different strokes, different folks, and the world still goin' round as if there weren't any problems at all.

That being said, I feel like I'd get more free shit if my name were something like Ashton.

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