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Michael considered fate at 15:18   |   Permalink   |   Post a Comment
The latest round of the doktor was.. well.. not much of a round, quite frankly. She didn't show at trivia. Seems things are a bit complicated when you're a resident. You know.. busy and such. Plus, seems like you gotta ignore people and not call them back too.. or something like that. Okay, I'm being a little bitter and it's not directed at her. It's my own fault quite frankly. I don't take the bull by the horns like a good person should. I let the bull route around and go on it's business of rampaging and destroying property and I don't even really care.

I probably won't make much of a parent. I have the morals, the ethics, the responsibility.. I don't have the caring. I'll be the dad who let's their kid stay up late and watch South Park uncut on Comedy Central and eat junk food. I'll be the dad who shrugs at bad behaviour and poor academics. Just so long as they don't irritate the hell out of me, which I'm sure they would anyway. Kids. I really don't know.

So the doktor is slippery and I'm at a boiling point. I need to make some quick and fast decisions about what I'm going to do with this one. Finish the meal and be stuffed, or just throw it out? Perhaps wrap it up for a leftover meal later?

I wish this post was longer. I wish I had something interesting to say about the ongoing saga. I wish but I don't so this is all you get.

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Check out heroecs, the robotics team competition website of my old supervisor's daughter. Fun stuff!
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