This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.                             the guys: philogynist jaime tony - the gals:raymi raspil


Michael considered fate at 14:54   |   Permalink   |   Post a Comment
Bunnie says:

Everything is full of salt
It’s just a matter of the ratio
Of salt to flesh
That determines when the snail curls up.

Which is funny because in that same forward with the animals representing elements in life such as love and money and pride, there was a set of words to relate to things:

Write one word down for each of these words - whatever first pops in your head


The dog is, of course, yourself. Loyal, I said. Faithful, someone else said. Cat - your lovers, your partners. Personality, I said. Rat? My enemies. Resourceful, of course. Coffee is sex, and bitter to me, but the sea.. the slow slap of the waves and the blue glimmer of sun and moon against the warm waters.. the sea is what you think of your life, it says, and I had but only one word to say:


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