Got a few hits from and thought firstly that it was a blogsnob connection so discounted it.. Then I had another hit on another day and that made me think it probably wasn't just BS and gee, I thought I might as well say hi to the punked finding their way here. I don't hate you, so how can you hate me for hating you?
Site statistics are amazingly interesting. Tony will tell you they don't matter, and they don't really, but they are interesting. As anyone who knows me somewhat well can tell you : I love statistics.
In 1992 14% of survey'd Americans thought using a little violence to let off some stress or anxiety was "okay". That number had jumped to 31% in 2001. I can only attribute this to two things:
1) Bush entering the office of the President of the United States of America: Good loving liberals, up to this point having been complete pacifists, should now have a strong desire to inflict personal pain on this dude. He makes Reagan look like tylenol to his morphine. He comes on strong like a dumb bell and he acts like one too.
2) 9-11 was unfortunate. People get fearful. The Media instills fear into the American people like a syringe - slow, but with practiced care - and it enters the mindstream like a drug - ahhh... euphoric. I think this is what Michael Moore was trying to say before he lost his noggin'. He has commited the same crime - he got scared.. He got scarred of his government itself - the king - not the dragon outside the gates. And when people get scared they do odd things. They make unwise decisions. Bodily produced drugs start pumping all throughout one's system and one's eyes tend to bug out a little - and no one trusts a dude whose eyes are bugged out a little.
At least I don't.
But back on the site statistics. One computer keeps showing up on my radar screen. It's IP is blocked but it shows up every once in awhile and I get 30, 40, 50 page views from that one session. What the heck is this dude doing?
Another interesting phenomenon is the spike days. Every week I have one day that has a significantly higher hit count than any of the other days. Sometimes it's on a Monday (like this week, so far). Sometimes it's on a Wednesday, or a Tuesday, or a Friday, or a Thursday. I think you get the picture. Well, this is unsettling because it refuses to adhere to any sensical pattern. Sure, there are Holidays such as the 4th to account for.. and there are variables such as how many posts I post, what I post, and who links to me.. but invariably, those never really seem to matter. Sometimes my hits come on days I don't post at all. Even when Tony or Bunnie link me I'm not getting a huge influx of folks - just 3, 4, maybe 5.. not enough to skew the results terribly so.. The bottom line is that it's a crap shoot - it's like life, a box of chocolates - you never know what you're going to get.. Though that quote always bothered me.. you know exactly what you're going to get. There is always that "chocolate map" on the inside of the cover that tells you exactly what and where each piece of chocolate is. WTF? God, Forest, you're such a retard.
Sometimes I wish blogging had a little map on the inside of the cover. Sometimes I wish life had a little map too... But then, it's the little surprises that make life worth living I suppose.