Sometimes I get free pizza.
Sometimes I get free beer.
Sometimes, when I'm lucky, I get free beer and pizza and wine and cheese and once I got free mead.
Mead is wine beer. How fucking brilliant is that?
They say nothing in this world is free but I say bullocks, you just have to work hard enough for it. If you put your mind to it, put enough effort into it, plenty of free shit will start coming your way and you won't even know what to do with it all.
Friend of mine's parents won a contest. I don't really know why they call it a contest when all you're doing is dropping your name in a bucket, but they call it a contest I call it a drawing and they won any way you look at it. They got a free 56 inch tv. Big. Huge, even, especially in their moderately small tv room. Then, not a month later it happened again. They won an ATV. A 4-Wheeler.
Two people, their kids gone, the house nearly paid off, living the slow life nearing retirement and spending a few weeks a year in Florida playing golf together - a shared passion, something we should all hope for in our waning years of matrimony - and they win a giant tv.. an atv.
Life certainly throws some curveballs sometimes, and a few sliders.. and even a knuckle ball or two.. but the good thing about all that is, even if you sit there frozen by the speed of the pitch, swingless through 3 strikes, every once in awhile when you're up at the plate the grand old pitcher upstairs is going to get a little too fancy even for himself and the ball will go sailing above the catcher's head, or glance off the bottom of his glove, or go rolling to the backstop, and even though maybe you aren't getting anything out of it, maybe your team mate out there on first base can make a steal to second - to get into scoring position.
Cause afterall, this is a team sport.
And anyone can play baseball.
For free.