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Michael considered fate at 12:57   |   Permalink   |   Post a Comment
Nothing really beats free jazz and a free pad to crash at where people are grateful to be able to cook you crazy good omlets when you wake up in the morning. And in the greatest city in the world to boot.

Drove up all by myself - solo trip this year - and it was a long 5 hours. The sun beat down on my poor little car and she coughed and sputtered up the mountains and clunked down the other side of them and by the time I got into the city the sun was down but the heat hung around anyway. Man it was hot.

Man it *is* hot.

Nothing beats an old pentium laptop crankin win95 with dialup to really make you appreciate the broadband but to also make you realize life isn't so much always about getting there as quick as you possibly can. Stop and smell the packets, I say. If life is a journey through time and you don't take your time you'll just end up at the end that much faster. In a casket. Or in a little coffee can. Whatever, it's all the same so my point is smell the packets on the way.

Sittin here with some terribly smart academics. Dude is deciding whether he is going to accept his med school offer. Dudette is busy at the United Nations in Rome. Dudette #2 just finished her Masters. Nice enough folk. And here we are on a sunny Saturday afternoon (mostly morning, to us) drinking coffee and bobbing our heads to the real slim shady.

Music is what you make it.

Just like life, and the journey, and all that shit. Dudette is half way through cutting Dudette #2's hair. They keep looking over at me slyly. They have razors. If you see me without hair you know what happened.

Went out yesterday afternoon and caught the movie 28 Days Later. Whoa. Fuckin' A. That's some scary shit. Sure, there was some cheese factor but I guess I expect that without question in most every movie that comes out these days. That way, when a really quality piece comes out I'm that much more impressed. A cynic's view, I suppose. A pessimist's. Or just realistically satisfied. You decide.

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Check out heroecs, the robotics team competition website of my old supervisor's daughter. Fun stuff!
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