Tony is a wild man and it makes things hard for me. I know he never tells the truth and I know he keeps things on a (generally) PG-13 level over at the busblog but all those scantily clad women make for watch-over-the-shoulder-paranoid-work-www-surfing.. if you know what I mean. Plus, I have to spend all my time looking celebrities up on the web cause he refuses to tell me who the scantily clad women *are*. Plus, he writes an awful lot. Most of my co-workers, in fact, probably think I am a prevert of the utmost degree since they usually find me starring at yet another one of tony's many scantily clad celebrities.. when in fact I am reading tony's long ass post. So what I'm saying is he writes too much. I can read
Bunnie for hours and hours.. I can read about furious finger-fucking and lesbian make-out sessions and never worry one bit because it's all just words.
See.. a little secret for yah all.
The common man can't read.. and by can't I mean doesn't want to and won't. Same difference in my book since the common man ain't reading it anyway.
So when my co-workers come by they stare blankly at the lines and lines of words on the screen and, as long as they don't look real close and notice there are words in there like
the and
a that they might actually be able to understand, I get off scott free.
But Tony... oh tony.. he just doesn't know when to stop. Like the fourth scoop of ice cream the cute little high school shoppe girl throws on when you pay for only three, tony is dangerous. He writes and writes and writes, and like the shoppe girl he even winks every once in awhile.. and I'm awful afraid of getting caught.
In other news..
genrich is back from some dark and dingy hospital room with tails of bacteria and some wit to boot.