Tony over on
da bus has a way of coming up with very nice
charts and
graphs. They are always concise and easy to read and always, always, support his discussion. He likes to avoid politics, but hooey I say,
dive right in.
Actually, I'm pretty sure he just gets all those charts and graphs from the Onion.. but whose counting?
Nobody is counting, that's who.. because they're all deciding whether they're going to vote for Arnie, or Coleman, or Flynt, or Jojo the Monkey.
See I think it's great that Jojo the Monkey can run in a recall election in California. I think it's great that the self-purported
greatest nation in the world not only failed to properly elect a leader a few years ago (and then just put up with it.. which, in my mind, is tantamount to eating that nasty cheeseburger with onions and pickles at Wendy's when you ASKED for a bacon cheese with nothing on it.. for shame).. but now it's self-purported
greatest state in the nation has thrown it's leader into the street. The great land of Movie making has ground to a halt.. it has muddied itself in political debate and now, instead of questions like
Hmm.. should we get Arnold or Van Dam?
they are asking themselves questions like
Hmm.. should we get Arnold or Van Dam?
I, for one, see a problem with this. California is actually arguing about ballots and polling like it matters. They're actually bandying about the state-leading qualities of a very short ex-sitcom man-child who thinks letting it all out on hardcopy is "good publicity"! They are actually thinking - considering - appealing - denouncing... like this isn't a big farce.
And they're actually, seriously - no really guys - deciding that an Austrian half-man-half-accent of a muscle machine is the
right choice.
California Republican Dana Rohrbacher :
he's like Reagan in the sense that he's got some creative ideas
Right! Creative. What's next - trickle down power (lights for production companies.. _then_ the hospitals)? The stamping out of indie films like so many tiny communist nations? How about the Porn Industry-After School Program Scandal??
Money for Children - even if it means using them in snuff films!
CRIPES people.
And, to show how _everyone_ remains completely off their frickkin rockers:
Hey, look.. people still give a shit who does
but hey, fellas, no sweat.. he probably didn't inhale.