1. How much time do you spend online each day?
Well, number one - it really bothers me when people say things like "I was online at the grocery store".. umm.. hullo -
in line[1]. So I'm presuming that's not the question being posed here. Secondly, I work in front of a damn computer
ALL DAY (said with the voice of cousin klopec in The Burbs - if you don't know what I mean - oh well).. therefore, it's a hard measure but I'm going to say 4 or 5 hours.
2. What is your browser homepage set to?
[warning: watch for dripping sarcasm ahead]
mail.yahoo.com... because *sooo* many people write me.. all the time.. I just can't keep up.. really. so many. you have no idea.
3. Do you use any instant messaging programs?
I used an instant massaging program once but it just gave me bruises [4].
4. Where was your first webpage located?
The m for michael, the batch short for my full last name. In college a lot of people took to calling me 'Batch' to avoid the usual many michaels problem. It was a Norm[3] effect - come into a party and everyone yells "Batch!".. which was great and dandy and fun but now it's stuck and I will forever be a batch and sometimes I get it from the weirdest places. Like friend's parents. There is something disconcerting about friend's parents calling you by your nickname. I don't blame them, certainly, because I imagine they know me by no other.. but it's like Meat[2] from Porky's being called 'Meat' by a friend's parent... man.. creepy.
5. How long have you had your current website?
Long enough to know it's passe.. (short enough to know I'm not going to bother to figure out how to get an accent on that e)
Footnotes: [1] I also hate it when people say "on accident".. It's "BY accident", people, "BY accident." [2] If you haven't seen Porky's you can probably guess where the nickname "Meat" came from anyway. [3] You know.. from Cheers. [4] That was just a really bad joke. I'm sorry.