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If I lived in California..
Michael considered fate at 11:28   |   Permalink   |   Post a Comment
I'd petition for Jojo the Monkey for California Governor.

I'd herald a new era in politics where - not only could the people of California not worry about politics - the people of California would not have to worry about politics.

By electing a monkey to office they'd eliminate the many excrutiating decisions in their life like:

"Do I want to blow dry my hair, or watch tv? I can only do one cause I'm subject to a brown out if I abuse my electric company"


"Should I vote for Arnold, or.."

They'd eliminate these decisions because putting a monkey in office would almost guarantee the fall of any structure in their current power grid. It would guarantee the rise in Banana imports. It would, hopefully, finally eliminate the connections between Hollywood and the White House..

Why is it that, of all the liberal whoo-ha in Hollywood the only politicians to come out of it are block-headed Republicans? It's strange, I tell yah.. strange.

Okay. I got four hours of sleep. I'm going to go drown in my coffee. But before I go..

who's irish and stays out all nite?

patty o'furniture

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Check out heroecs, the robotics team competition website of my old supervisor's daughter. Fun stuff!
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