You would think that, in this advanced day and age, we could put out a decent roll of scotch tape.
The phrase
far be it from me is pretty cool.
For nearly a quarter century I thought the phrase
for all extents and purposes was actually
for all extensive purposes.
[Ed. Note: I think it's actually "intents and purposes"?]
However, my good friend thought, through almost a quarter century, that the Redskins were from Washington state.
For those of you who know what Easy CD Creator is - I think it sounds really dirty, somehow.
Being mostly deaf has it's downfalls.
The number of socially inept and completely dumbass human beings - okay, perhaps I am going too far, Americans - on this earth is mind boggling and also makes me seethingly mad on occasion.
Being mostly deaf has it's good points.
The amount of solid information on the etymology of idioms such as
The whole nine yards
Mind your P's and Q's
is woefully lacking.
Sarcophagus comes from Greek
sarx - meaning "flesh" and
phagein - meaning "to eat".. yummm.
And ever useful in trivia - Sangria is derived from the latin
sanguis - meaning "blood".
Arnie is
not an attractive man.
You know how in Escape From L.A. Kurt Russell is stuck on the island of Los Angeles, which had separated off of California due to a gigantic earth quake?... yah.. that's not the worst idea in the world.