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Oh, words, you
Michael considered fate at 10:43   |   Permalink   |   Post a Comment
Words are so delicious sometimes. They're all wrapped with wit and sarcasm and sadness. Or biting and caustic and harsh - sharp. Sometimes they just sound cool together. It's a marketing game.

Brand Trueboy.

I don't know what that means. I don't know if she means "brand" as in brand.. I don't know if it's like kleenex brand brand, or if it's like branded with an iron brand, or what. I'm not sure that it matters.. it's just a damn cool moniker. And so I'm over there today, over at trueboy (the other poster to that site, by the way, is sterling fassbinder.. holy cow) and there is a screenshot of good 'ol Q*Bert. I mean shit. Q*BERT! Ah it's been a long time but how cool is that? What does that name mean? Does it have any sense to it at all or is it complete nonsense?

Now, I know the 70's were kind of struggling according to a lot of you. I know the clothes were a little.. well.. weird. I know the whole disco thing scared a lot of people into serial murder and I know that Carter was pretty goofy looking.. but really, think of the arcade games. Sooo many cool names there. Galaxian. Q*Bert. Pac-Man. Tron. Gyruss. Zaxxon... I mean come on folks - Zaxxon. Does it get much better than that? (let me point you over here for all your free online arcade needs.)

raymi the minx

Like.. not just raymi - which is odd enough to begin with - but 'the minx' too. Just enough to make you wonder. Just enough to peak your interest.


Now that's just a really cool word. It's fun to say. It makes your mouth feel funny when you repeat it over and over. It's good for cooking and keeping things warm. blubber. blubber. It's no wonder Disney ripped it off for that whole flubber movie.

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Check out heroecs, the robotics team competition website of my old supervisor's daughter. Fun stuff!
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