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you're not funny any more
Michael considered fate at 16:06   |   Permalink   |   Post a Comment
Sometimes things stop being funny and start being just curious.. and strange.. and questionable. Like those jokes you're not sure whether to laugh at or just sort of feel shitty.

you're not funny any more

Sometimes, though, the human condition gets us and we laugh and laugh and laugh. Without humour, what have you got?

Doctor: "Do you want the good news or the bad news first?"

Patient "Well, I guess I'll take the good news.."

Doctor: "Looks like they're going to name a disease after you."

See.. if you're not stifling an out-loud laugh from that joke by the end of this sentence than maybe you need to get your head checked. Maybe they're going to name a disease after you. They'd call it the That's-Not-Funny disease and visiting that ward in the hospital would be a real bummer, lemme tell you. Even Chris Rock would be sniffling through his morning cheerios and Mike Myers would cry there. Really truly cry. Mike Myers. No joke. So go back and read the joke again and laugh this time. You don't want to be that guy. You don't want a disease named after you.. do you?

Sometimes things are more curious than they are funny. Intriguing, life twisted in a pretzel you've never seen before. Makes the mind think and that ain't such a bad thing either, you know?

Graffiti - is it art? You tell me (from the arseburger himself).. It's not funny, but it's work to see it and fun to read it so it's art and what's not to like about art - it's all a little funny on the inside.

Sorta like this post. Going nowhere fast but with lots of silly links today.

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