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Speaking of Woe
Michael considered fate at 20:02   |   Permalink   |   Post a Comment
I have been woefully out of it lately due to a long and unnecessary and completely painful business trip perpetrated upon me by my place of employ to which I can only say: I'm sorry. It wasn't fully my fault and I will try, ernestly and faithfully, not to let it happen again. Mmkay?


Good. Now that we've agreed to that, a few things to be tabled.

Number 1:

It seems to me that a wonderful idea for all groups of friends is to collectively figure upon a unique and shared interest among said friends and use that interest to come to a common goal. For example a yacht. This is just an example, mind you, so feel free to brain storm yourself and report back to the group. Now, say you and your friends enjoy spending time on the water, enjoy sailing or motoring or whathave you, and you would enjoy doing it together. Now, let us presume there are a few of you. 5,6, even 10 maybe. Now what, do you suppose, would be the cost of a nice boat on which you can all widdle away your waking hours basking in the sun and downing cheap light beer with sunglasses on and among friends? Now what, do you suppose, would the cost be if you split it among 5,6, even 10 friends, maybe. $5,000? $10,000? Whatever the cost, for sure it is a worthwhile endeavor and worth looking into, no? Can you think of anything better than friends, some beer, a boat, and water? If you can then perhaps you should have listened earlier on when I said this was just an example. Go ahead and dream your own dreams, I got my own.

Number 2:

Business in this country gets entirely too many breaks. We're a country built by the people for the people and of the people but all the people are for corporate control and none of the people are really controlling anything. It's hard to tell someone to stop drinking Coke cause heck, maybe they like it, but when is this country - if ever - going to stop it's roll into the dark deep dungeon of capitalism? At least in a dictatorship someone has control. Allowing corporations control of our country is tantamount to lopping the head off the dragon and letting it wander about with no direction. Bureacracy is a deadly weapon and it is threatening to kill this country with one fell swoop of the sword.

Number 3:

Why can't I talk at my computer yet?

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Check out heroecs, the robotics team competition website of my old supervisor's daughter. Fun stuff!
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