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Michael considered fate at 18:09   |   Permalink   |   Post a Comment
So I keep saying how much more my adoring public would adore if I only adorned my site with more adorable pictures.. and I really think it's true to some extent.

I could be putting up pictures of all sorts of things. My pets ( oh wait, I have none). My girlfriend ( oh wait, don't have one). My crazy rager parties ( oh wait, none of those either).

I could be posting images of celebrities and sunsets from Hawaii and fast cars.. but that would just be icing on an empty cake, right? You guys don't want to see images of celebrities.. nah.. not at all, do you? You don't want to eat an empty cake. What's the point in that? What's chocolate without the calories? What's fondue without the fat?

Okay okay. Clearly you want to see the celebrities. You want to see Paris Hilton real bad. You want to see her all hot and bothered and you want to see her in a compromising position. You want to see her, well, being human.

What sort of sick sadistic person are you that you want to see someone famous - a demogogue, a statue an icon - all down and dirty and in the gutter? What, in your twisted mind, is so great about humanizing the sacred image of celebricy?

I'm trying to be terribly "sarcastic" and "ironic" here, if you weren't sure. "sarcastic" in that the reasons are incredibly obvious and "ironic" in that everyone likes to say things are ironic without truly understanding the word so why not me, too?

I have a theory about socks... I think people need to change their mindset about them.. they aren't a clothing item.. they're like latex gloves.. they should be disposable. Socks should be worn once.. twice.. maybe three times and then disposed of... I think a lot of things should be more disposable. Semi-disposable. I mean, look at the electronics manufacturers... they seem to think all the shit they make is disposable now.. considering how crappy their shit is. Stereos don't hold a candle in the wind to the stuff they put out 25~35 years ago. So socks.. why not? One wash.. two.. then chuck 'em.

And my other sock theory.. you've probably heard this one: Khaki-dyed tube socks. 12-packs for $10. For the rushed business man on a conference trip. For the cheap business-casual man. For a slightly classier look with your jeans and penny loafers. I mean, come on.. they dye them white anyway.. why not have a few batches died light brown?

There, you happy?

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Check out heroecs, the robotics team competition website of my old supervisor's daughter. Fun stuff!
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