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Michael considered fate at 13:21   |   Permalink   |   Post a Comment
I just sent a great idea to both weekly's here in portland and one of them was kind enough to reply and tell me they didn't have room and the other one didn't even do that.

punk ass bitches.

don't know a good thing when they see one. that's the problem with this world - punk ass bitches and their not knowing when to take a good thing and jump on it.

it's such a great idea that i can't write it down here for you but i'll tell you that it's great and that you're welcome to it if you want to give it a whirl in your town, try calling up your weekly rag and try to get them to publish your column that was mine is now yours cause i told you all about it and gave you free license cause it's a ripped off idea in the first place.

but now i'm all talkin future like-it's-the-past bullshit so i digress.

so lemme know if you want a good fucking idea for an edgy newspaper column, eh?


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