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Good stuff from Kitty
Michael considered fate at 16:10   |   Permalink   |   Post a Comment
But it's on the busblog - a strange guest post. Relatable things of note:

I have an art career I would envy if it weren't my own, but I still can't get out of bed until twenty minutes before I have to be at my job.


"You can't make a dog behave like a chicken no matter how much corn you feed it." Right? We are what we are and that's all. But I like dogs and chickens.

and a good idea to boot

Here's a reality show: Suicide Island. Seven contestants, each on an island, alone.

Last one to kill himself dies.

And as long as I'm going on about good posts from some of our female bloggers, how about these tax suggests made by Moxie:

Why not impose a tax on all non-essential cosmetic surgery. Like boob jobs. If you got the 5 grand to drop for the big fake double D's from your married boyfriend how about chipping in on a tax that will keep our roads nice and pot-hole free. Your new chest will thank you for it as you cruise down the freeway in your big stupid SUV.

That leads us to the next idea -- I like the "big stupid SUV tax." It's the next level in the luxury tax. If your vehicle is large enough to take up two parking spaces and sucks the air out of baby's lungs -- you should pay a triple tax to the fireman who will likely scrape the bodies of those you've run over from our pot-hole free roads (see the big fake boob tax above).

and then, god bless her, she goes on to say:

what about the Michael Moore donut and ding-dong tax? If you buy one of his so-called "books" there is a 100 dollar stupidity tax. Per book.

which sounds an awful lot like my spittle-flinging rant about a dumb tax. Call it stupid, call it dumb - it's all the same thing.. putting a price on the privelage we Americans have of being dumb and lazy. I think it's a great idea.

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Check out heroecs, the robotics team competition website of my old supervisor's daughter. Fun stuff!
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