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My ideas, stolen, as always
Michael considered fate at 12:04   |   Permalink   |   Post a Comment
So once again someone has stolen my idea. tony says: if only i could forward my answering messages to [audblog] i would be totally stoked, cuz i get some funny ones... Yah? Well I've been saying that for awhile now. I've been saying to myself "Self," cause that's what I call myself: self, "Self, if you were not lazy and had time on your hands and wanted to effect then you should start a service that would allow easy transferring of voice mail messages to one's blog.. or maybe just start or something... cause god knows there a lot of people out there that get a lot of funny voicemails. Not that you get any - heck, you don't even have a cell phone - but still.. there must be a lot of funny voicemails out there... just waiting to be enjoyed by the feckless masses while pretending to work.

Are you listening Audblog??

On a similar note, Tony rocks out with one of the better first audblog posts I've heard.. good energy, not all "yeah this is dumb", and a little tiny bit of self-deprecation to boot. Lookin forward to more.

It's just too bad that the way audblog works is just mp3 downloads cause it'd be nice if it was somehow embedded. Yah, I know.. that coming from me who likes to do everything myself and to keep things manual and thinks automation is the work of the devil.. but just think.. audblogs like streaming radio.. in order.. or backwards order. Listen to someone's audblog post by post chronologically. Listen to certain audblog threads, with multiple posters, all about the same topic and in chronological order. Connect rants and rebuttals to newspaper articles, press releases, or even products and services.

Are you listening Noah Glass?? I mean, bitching about traffic is fun, but how about a *bunch* of people, all bitching about the same traffic.. all in the same jam, audblogging back and forth about the fall of western civilization into a chaotic soup of smog, cells, SUVs, and celebrity sex tapes?

Oh Paris.. we all make mistakes.

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Check out heroecs, the robotics team competition website of my old supervisor's daughter. Fun stuff!
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