3rd leg has graciously linked me on his site..
oh .. wait. No, it's just that I happened to be the first to guess Raymi in his "Name That Blogger" game.. I can't even say I deserve it because I just happened to cruise over to his site from tony's and.. you know, right time right place - boom.. I win round three.. or whatever round it was. I will never again get a single one cause I'm just not so happenin in the blogger scene no more and that makes me a losssser, and a sore one at that.
Soo that being said I'd like to turn your attention to...
"The Negative Effects Of Alcohol".. which I might have mentioned awhile ago but I mention again cause it's one of the few good things that have come out of the internet.. well, not *it* itself.. but things like it. .swf files and .wma files.. .mov files.. Humorous little ditties and songs and one liners and mastercard "priceless" rip offs. All this.. we are no longer relagated to shitty SNL commercials and parodies.. We are free from the likes of In Living Color and Kids in the Hall. We are now, finally, free to experience the humor of just about anyone out there.. and that's a great thing. One step closer to global peace, I say.
What I'd really like to see is a little more of the skits. Whip out your digital video and iMovie.. write some bad skits.. put on a wig and a dress.. and kazaam - funnyness ensues. But take a page from Kids in the Hall (something SNL falls short of).. Always, *always*, have men play the parts of women and if possible, have women play the parts of men. That way, if the audience can't laugh at the skit, they can at least laugh at you..
So go make some skits and start posting them on the internet. divx format, please, and it doesn't have to be DVD quality.. just something simple with good clear dialogue and guys in dresses. Here, I'll even give you a few ideas:
Do a sketch about how socks seperate in the night and one of the two turns into a coat hanger - and that's how coat hangers multiple and socks disappear.
Okay okay.. that was dumb. Nevermind.
Do a sketch where a guy dressed up as a dog goes into a pet store and proceeds to get help from the clerk on what kind of chew toy to get his/her significant other.. but in a "I'm buying a stereo for my husband" sort of way... but have the clerk be a really tall famous basketball player.
What someone really should do if they want to get a laugh out of people is to bring attention to girls and bowel movements. I've said for years that one of the funniest things on this planet - universally humorous - is girls dumping.. and finally... FINALLY.. someone agrees.
The Ward:
like girls train themselves to hold back on bowel movement to maintain a pristine image. Maybe farting in public areas, but when girls need to take a dump, they search for the nearest concealed area to squat and squeeze. I'm not playin it up - female dumps are hilarious. Male dumps though, best be clearin the room. If you have pets, make sure they stay away from the door. If you have neighbors, call them and warn them before Hiroshima 2 commences.
Oh, and here is another damn sexy celebrity picture for your ass, since it's what you want anyway

Catherine Zeta-Jones.
See? What's so hard about that
Tony? An easy little caption and now the dumbasses like me know who it is without having to ask.