I have a wonko thing on the inside of my nose.
Damn. It really hurts. It's because I had a sore on the inside of my nose that I kept touching and shit, and now it's a sore and shit. Shit. Have you heard phone on the cob?
what now? It's pretty funny. Some of them are fucking hilarious.
So I met a girl. On the internet. Through friendster. She likes tom robbins, and groundhog day. And she is irritated by South california. And she scuba dives. And graduated ucsb with honors. Hot? who knows.
Yeah. So I've been very cautious. It was about two emails before I said anything of consequence. Actually, in my second email I told her to kindly write to my real address, since friendster is so fucking slow.
One of my friends had an ultima online addiction, and I looked it up. It's pretty fucked!