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TO: My Dear Friend Alex
Michael considered fate at 12:23   |   Permalink   |   Post a Comment
FROM: Sir Sucks-A-Lot


Firstly I would like to say bravo. Not only did you post one of the best blog posts I have ever read (and I have read many from all sorts of sources so that makes me a sort of expert - you know, in the way a 'professional' is someone who gets paid - so you are a professional kite-board surfer.. or kite-board surf instructor. You should put that on your resume) but you also posted 3.. or 4 posts. I'm not sure which but I'm too lazy to check.

Regardless, nothing makes me happier - and I mean this - than visiting my site on a Monday morning (well, okay, afternoon) and finding some quality postage from you. Seriously, makes my day.

Now, lastly.. you should have given me a ring on this Martin Luther King day because I am, in fact, up and at them because I am at work.. MLK is apparently not worthy enough for a company holiday. Make your own conclusions.

I was going to say more but now I forget.


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Check out heroecs, the robotics team competition website of my old supervisor's daughter. Fun stuff!
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