I started hearing all this shit about a sci-fi book called
Ender's Game. I heard it from a few people - "simple amazing" they said - and I also saw it mentioned in print a few places.. Just like those things always happen. Whenever you become aware of a new word or an idea or idiom, all of a sudden there it is in every article you read, mentioned on every blog.. used in everyday conversation. As if it had always been there in front of you but you were not allowed to experience it until something clicked. Like seeing the forest for the trees.
So I ponied up the $5 it cost me to buy a used copy off of Amazon's marketplace and I powered through it in a few days - really easy reading in that simplistic way that most widely-influential books are.. like Ayn Rand's stuff. Full of boring old ideas that people grasp at as if new just because she explains it enough times and simply enough for people to get it.
I felt like I was reading a
see dick run.
I finished it up last night and I lay there in bed staring at my blank white walls and I tried to grasp at the ideas. They were all hollow. I didn't see the allure. I couldn't get it. Then I thought, "maybe people will grasp at anything. Maybe people need others to provide them with hope?"
I don't know. I found the whole thing a bit pedestrian.
I guess that makes me a dullard.