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Michael considered fate at 13:59   |   Permalink   |   Post a Comment
@ Tony Pierce's Busblog:

it takes courage to do things like say the war on drugs is a pathetic waste of time and money.

I'm not so sure it does take courage, tony. If I'm a drug user then it is awfully damn easy to say that the war on drugs is a pathetic waste of time. If I'm a conservative republican then maybe it takes a little courage. But just the same, I think the war on drugs is a pathetic waste of time and money.

it takes courage to do things like say the war on iraq is a pathetic waste of time money and american lives.

Again, tony, I don't think it does take any courage. I think it's an easy knee-jerk reaction. With so many young people in this country now who were raised by 60's hippies or ex-hippies I think it's sort of ingrained, to some extent, to disagree with war. What does take courage is effort and risk. Without risk there is no reward and without effort there is no reward. Even winning the lottery takes buying a ticket. Risking a dollar may not seem like much but it is risking something. Talk is cheap. It takes action to make a man. Which is to say: every should show up at the polls this November and make sure that Bush comes NOWHERE close to capturing a popular vote.. it'll be that much easier to impeach him later should he highjack the election somehow, again. That all being said, I think the war on Iraq is a pathetic waste of time, money, and american lives.

it takes courage to say i voted for these five people as president.

If it takes courage to be honest in this country in this day and age then I'm ashamed to be here, but I suspect you are right on this one Tony. I haven't been of voting age for all five of the last presidential elections but I would have voted for Reagan, Dukakis, and Bush. I did vote for Clinton, I was out of the country but would have voted for Gore (he did invent the internet, afterall).

it takes courage to say that you dont give a flying fuck what your readers think about your beliefs, here they are, love it or git.


And now, having addressed those points, I will fill out kitty bukkake's addendum to tony's original honest blogger's quiz (my original quiz answers can be found here) :

1. Do you try to look hot when you go to the grocery store just in case someone recognizes you from your blog? heck no.

2. Are the photos you post Photoshopped or otherwise altered? other than colour balance to improve lighting, nope.

3. Do you like it when creeps or dorks email you? heck yah.

4. Do you lie in your blog? no.

5. Are you passive-aggressive in your blog? no, blogs are all about rants which are really outright aggression.

6. Do you ever threaten to quit writing so people will tell you not to stop? no, but i complain about not getting enough comments.

7. Are you in therapy? If not, should you be? no. no.

8. Do you delete mean comments? Do you fake nice ones? no and no.
a comment is a comment, nothing less.
i've never deleted one i must confess.
i believe in the right of the first amendment.
even if some mean comments are sent.

9. Have you ever rubbed one out while reading a blog? How about after? Uhh. no. Sure, I've rubbed one out after viewing a blog, chronologically, but not because of the blog or the person behind the blog.

10. If your readers knew you in person, would they like you more or like you less? i really can't say. probably less.

11. Do you have a job? yes.

12. If someone offered you a decent salary to blog full-time without restrictions, would you do it? perhaps, but not forever. decent to some is paltry to others.

13. Which blogger do you want to meet in real life? Anti is my hero, Jaime seems like a chill dude up my alley, maybe bunnie if I was drunk, bunny surprisingly IM'd me the other day and she seemed cooler than I had given her credit for and she writes a lot - i like bloggers who write a lot, nika because she is in montreal and I was there once and will likely be back in september and I am always fascinated with people "where I am" because I feel like nothing ever happens where I am,

14. How many bloggers have you made out with? 0

15. Do you usually act like you have more money or less money than you really have? probably less cause i live well below my means.

16. Does your family read your blog? not that i know of.

17. How old is your blog? 3 years in august, just like tony!

18. Do you get more than 1000 pageviews per day? Do you care? Heck no!! I wish. I'm lucky to get 25. And by saying "I wish" I guess I am saying I care, but I don't care that much. I would like more interaction. More comments. More feedback. Less me and more us.. whatever.

19. Do you have another secret blog in which you write about being depressed, slutty, or a liar? no.

20. Have you ever given another blogger money for his/her writing? before i knew what blogs were a friend of a friend had a weblog sorta thing that has since died. I had never met her but my friend said "I think you'd like this chick, check out her site" so I did. I bought her a cd off of her amazon wishlist just for the thrill of doing something nice for a complete stranger. Then, when I started figuring out the blogging thing i came upon tony's donate-$10-for-a-car thing and so I donted $10 to tony, but it wasn't so much for his writing as much as it was for the cool idea that someone could just ask and then receive enough money to buy a car. I've often considered flowing Anti some cash just cause he seems to be scrapping by all the time.. then I remember it's probably his own fault for blowing it on such copious quantities of weed.

21. Do you report the money you earn from your blog on your taxes? what, money from my blog.. huh

22. Is blogging narcissistic? I'll quote Tony here, cause I liked his response: in theory. but careful storytelling can overcome that.

23. Do you feel guilty when you don't post for a long time? sort of. I certainly feel like some people might not come back, which wouldn't help in my quest to develop more interaction, which I mentioned above.

24. Do you like John Mayer? I don't think so.

25. Do you have enemies? probably. jealous types, maybe. not really though. none that i could point out and list as enemies

26. Are you lonely? sometimes.

27. Why bother? cause it's a voice.

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