I'm mostly done with just linking other folks and saying "go read" cause what's the point in that? I never wanted to be a phone book and I'm not going to start now. When you first start a blog it can be awful tempting.. heck, that's all some blogs are.. and I'm not saying it's wrong.. in fact it's great. Some blogs out there are just like the phone book for me, only opinionated. And just like a good critic (once you've found one you like you can mostly take their word for it) they've sifted through the craposphere all night for you so that when you show up in the morning (okay, afternoon) all you need to do is make a one-stop-shop'ping run and you're caught up on most things interesting in blogland.
tony is on the horn right now about the pixies, which is great. I've been seeing it for a few weeks now, building up to their re-appearance on the scene.. but this last weekend was the coming out party and tony writes about the secret pixies show he saw. And. AND.. even though all he does on that damn blog of his is write about kurt cobain he knows that kurt said "I was just trying to copy the pixies" (of which leader black francis frank black said "I was just trying to copy the beatles") and he knows that, and I quote :
the problem was the pixies were too good ... the best people in attendence [at the show] were the pixies ... overlooked because they didnt dress funny or kill themselves or make kickass videos. overlooked because of the subtlety to their rock. and the power to their pop."