Alright, I gotta come out and here and put a few things down. Okay, just one thing:
You and alls yous "live in the now" fuckers can go fucks yerselfs.
Yah hear that?
There is only now? Really? RIGHT now? Like, when I'm typing this or when I post this? Is this not now until it's available on the web? If I'm living for the now, should I stop writing this? Should I be out somewhere banging some chick instead cause, let's be honest, what am I here for other than to permeate through the system my inferior genes? What am I, RIGHT NOW, if I am not doing that exact, actual, real, goal, now?
I suppose that one could have a wonderful conversation about the non-existence of the future and the past. I'm sure one could convince oneself that they don't matter at all, in fact, since they are not
real. I'm sure, in fact, that even a relative dullard could, with prompting, come up with this
oh so novel idea. And that would be great. Until the future, tomorrow, when he doesn't pay his mortgage and he's on the street trying to support a family. Seems pretty trite to say that future doesn't exist, now doesn't it?
I dunno, form your own opinions. All Ima gonna say here is that, gee, mental construct or not, the future is
real within the realm of my perceptional powers. The future is as real to me as this computer in front of me - not the outcome, not the fate of it all, but the existence of it. The thought there is a guarantee that there will be a tomorrow sits pretty well in my mind.
Okay, so maybe the universe implodes tonight. Maybe.. but these things are so much beyond my perceptional scope that to deal with them would be to play a game you do not know the rules to..
which is to say: pointless.
know - enough to say I know - that things will unfold in front of me, day in and day out, and I
know that my actions - in the NOW - can have "real"
perceived consequences. I know that if I leave my clothes on the floor tonight they will be wrinkly tomorrow. How wrinkly? I don't know. But I have a certain faculty with which I might make perceptional guesses.
Hmm, Cotton, I might say. Maybe not too wrinkly. Will I be wrong? Maybe. Will it be worthwhile to go ahead and throw the clothes on a hanger instead, just in case?
Uh. Yah.
Fuck you and your now. Now - the
real now you speak of, this fancy thing you call life - it is already over. Now is so two minutes ago. You're wasting your time chasing this "now" and in doing so you've wasted valuable minutes reading this retarded post. You, my friend, you do not live in the now. You're a fake. You're a fraud. If you lived in the now you wouldn't even know this existed. You wouldn't know anything. The past - your past - would be a figurine on your dresser, porcelain and breakable like all simulations. It would be like a facsimile of a white piece of paper - it would tell you nothing..
Your only real information would come from the now - the little voice in your head saying "why, why are we reading this? we have no time! no time at all! we must go, live, live in the now! What? NOW! We must go. Stop. stop this now, stop reading because he doesn't know.. remember that time that he tried to convince us that.. wait, no. No memory. Nothing. All constructs. Fake. Meaning nothing. Fuck. FUCK. Stop reading. Go fuck. Yes. Fuck. Goddamnit it you have no idea.. what, who the..? I'm not ..
"There is only now," you say.
"Then stop talking about future presents and fuck off," I say.
Fantastical, my ass. To deny the existence of time - whether truth or mere human perception - is like denying that your family ever existed. Time is as much a human product as any and it's the only
construct we have to manage our day to day lives in an, ahem - excuse me - timely fashion. If yah can't dig with that fine but don't come preaching to me cause this ain't the choir.
So I don't want to hear it.
Cause I'm working here. I have a goal.. a
future goal. I have lots of them, actually, and they help me form decisions and choices and they dictate much of my daily routine. Go to class. Call her. Study. Clean my clothes. Fuck, it would all be so easy if I could just forget it all, stop working, sluff off, turn yellow like the skin on a dying man.. just stop.
but... I've been keeping a close eye on you
now people and i see you going full steam ahead as if you're expecting something around the corner and, well, you know me.. always a bit paranoid... so I guess I'll just keep on keepin on just the same, if you don't mind.