I was similarly bummed after my date with the girl on Thursday. Just very sad, not really understanding the cause, but feeling like it would pass pretty quickly.
And it did. Friday night was stellar, and last night was reasonably interesting. Reasonably interesting because I just didn't have the same level of excitement to meet so many people as Friday, and because the people I met weren't as interesting. Still remember EVERYONE'S name, though. And the fact that Rachel only did 3 years of high school. And that Daniel and Ben were in high school together in San Diego. And that Sean is from the Bay, as is Peter. This guy Peter is funny, and he never remembers my name. I have met him about seven times, and each time I greet him with a huge "Hey! Peter! What's up, man?" He has never once remembered. I let him off the hook each time because I know what it's like to forget. We smiled about it yesterday when, as we were talking, I told him that his parties were always fun even if people had a hard time with the name "Alex." He got it. He smiled.
Also, I feel as though I ran in to some powerfully uninteresting people last night. One guy was a NARC for real. Talking my ear off about nothing. I hate that. I hate it when people aren't making any sense, and talking in an intense style that makes it difficult to say, "OK, I'm done with you and I'm going to stand over there now."
It would be really interested to do prestige studies in Isla Vista. Who has status, how do they get it, and how stable is it? Is there a single system, or many? Surely many, but surely the high status people are recognized by all. And how much is related to controllable factors, such as knowing people, as opposed to mere physical attractiveness and/or wealth. Maybe relate it to my language change stuff.