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SonicWALL - Web Site Blocked
Michael considered fate at 10:32   |   Permalink   |   Post a Comment
Even my buzznet photo site is blocked by my company's new firewall, if you can believe that. I don't know if it perceives pictures of me and bad angle shots of industrial cranes to be "illicit content" or what but jeez.. Okay, well I am in fact pretty sure it's not about that at all. Who knows. When I showed up for work last week a lot of sites started to be blocked and it didn't really surprise me - it was only a matter of time. The worst of it is that the administration doesn't even mind. In general they don't want anyone spending excessive amounts of time on doing their xmas shopping on company time but they don't really care if you spend your breaks looking up smut or goat porn. It's just that the network guys - they have a name, I think it's "field engineer" but peolpe 'round these parts just call them network guys - they have nothing better to do then buy silly crap and install it. Last year it was webcams to watch the doors at night (or the cute secretary, you decide). Anything, really, and the more it disrupts the day to day routines of the rest of the company the better; at least in their minds. I'm not sure if it's a power thing or a look-what-I-can-do thing or .. heck, I dunno. It's something about power and being noticed and something.

See people just don't want to be ineffectual nothings. They don't want to go through life as a smoothly turning wheel, they never get the grease. The cogs want to make some changes. The cogs want to flex their muscles. Even I want to flex my muscles but damn if some people do it in the most inconvienent ways. Damn if some people just need to put the screws on someone else to do it.

I figure that's how hitler got started. He just wanted a little love and no one had any for the little boy with the cowlick. So he had a grudge.

Me, I just drink my coffee and keep quiet.. nothing more than a few wisecrack comments from this guy. I don't got no grudge at all. None whatsoever.

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Check out heroecs, the robotics team competition website of my old supervisor's daughter. Fun stuff!
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