Me on long weekends and being tired.
Me on the effects of too much beer in this nothing-else-better-to-do-but-drink-beer winter season.
So, clearly, this boy is getting a bit fat.
Over the xmas break I noticed I was down to a scant 158lbs, most likely due to my three-week binge on 16-hour workaholic days and very little sleep and/or food and/or beer. I was down to the lightest I've been since high school. I even managed to avoid the dreaded "holiday pounds", but it would seem that the beginning of this semester has done a number on me, and by number, I'm guessing a good 8 to 10 lbs. I can't be sure, though.. no scale.
What to do, what to do? I'm no young pup like I once was and I'm thinking the gym and some running are calling my name. With 30 fast approaching my metabolism is heading the way of the dinosaurs: into the tar pits where movement is slow, awkward, and death is inevitable. Bummer.
Makes me wonder if I should just say
fuck it and enjoy the time that I have left... or actually worry about things like health and personal appearance. Okay, I should probably worry about my health.. even though we don't get along very well.