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Michael considered fate at 18:23   |   Permalink   |   Post a Comment
michael is trying desperately not to speak of himself in the third person in imitation of Px despite how fun it really is. in fact, michael has been enjoying Px's blog mucho grande lately, and is happy to have found yet another little corner of life in which to go, curl up, and suck his thumb.

probably not at all having to do with Px, michael has been feeling strange warmths in his innards lately - towards life, towards people, towards things - and quite frankly, he doesn't mind. in fact he is quite happy to be having these strange little epiphanies - like litte fireflies that hum along out of the darkness, land on your sleeve, blink twice, and then meander on their way.

case in point: life is short but certainly sweet, and entirely pleasant, says i - even sitting here with a bit of a hangover-headache. just for fun? yah, life.. not so sad really, if-un youz can see the beauty in the sorrow. everything dies. beautifully.

these things are the things that i am alright with. it's other stuff that i have real problems with. it's people's inability to be pleasant. bitterness. jealousy. these things, natural i suppose, but entirely horrid and basically boring human emotions. tedium. sadness is sweet but anger is just ugly, and though it may be a necessity in the evolutionary process, that doesn't mean i have to like it.

it struck me the other day how much of an un-angry person i am, in general. hardly angry at anything at all, really, and rarely a fighter - fists or otherwise - and i am entirely 100% pleased with that. pleased as punch. there is plenty of more important things to do than get angry, i just don't have the time.

so how do these things develop? why are some people angry? how do we allow ourselves to become so bitter? who enjoys being angry - cause i know they're out there, yes? i suppose you can always be unhappy with your position in life, and therefore take it out on everyone else, but i think that's a cop-out. and it's ugly. we're all, not a single one of us, where we want to be - this is built into our desire-engine. this gives us motivation and reason to try. the grass, greener and more plush, on the other side of the fence will always be always be always be better. fact. the sooner these things are accepted, the better. and the less angry.

and the happier.

or at least more accepting and in a better place in which to see fireflies in the darkness.


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