The problem with technology now is that we are forever tethered to it, for the rest of time, whether we like it or not. It's become ingrained. It's part of us now as much as our little toe is a part of us - not entirely necessary but kinda nice to have around. Take, for example, the phone. Someone who grew up without a phone, someone who has no sense of the telephone system, someone who has never heard a ring.. well, they're pure. But the rest of us have developed neural impulses that fire immediately upon the ring of a nearby tele. Just now my roommate's phone rang and, because it has the same tone as my old phone from a year ago, I felt within me the very beginnings of a forced march. The troops were awoken, equipment was readied.. the commander was just about to give the order to rise. Luckily my higher powers of intelligent thought was quick enough to take over and keep me planted squarely in my chair, but it was a close call. All this, and I barely even have to answer a ring anymore - I use a cellphone on vibrate 90% of the time. Is this evolution, or is this conditioning? Clearly it's conditioning.. it's just that we grow up with it, and learn the proper response.. right? So, clearly.. ahem.. it won't ever
become part of our evolution.. right? Arguable, in the same way that tree ants have saved themselves from the "big fall" by gliding back to their trunk will we not as a species, perhaps, favour those who are most adept at answering the phone?