So, I believe this is the one you asked me to read.
I may not understand what you're saying. On the one hand, I feel like you're proposing that capitalism, once spread throughout the world will make people more accountable for their actions, because EVERYONE will be connected through a global economic system. If I start overcharging you, or underpaying you, you'll go somewhere else, work for someone else, and as an eventual result the distribution of resources will be more equal. Another way of putting this is, given similar human desires and similar economic sway, people will end up in similar economic situations all over the world. From there, people will not only want nature, but have the means to acquire and enjoy it: it will be preserved. Nothing is fucked, because it is us humans that are the most valuable and productive resource.
But I don't agree. I feel like human nature is not such that people will choose preserving nature over acquiring other resources, like symbols of power. The trees in my backyard are pretty, and make me happy. But if I can sell those trees to buy a mercedez, that would make me so much happier. At least in my head. So that's what I do. And that's what everyone all over the world is doing. Cashing in natural resources for psychological ones. Sugar. Status. Mates. Entertaining stories. These are all psychological resources you can but by exploiting the shit in your backyard.
Sadly, we don't really have mechanisms for valuing the natural world, per se. And given that there is finite space/natural resources, eventually, there will be an intense pressure between those desiring to cash those in, and those that fear the consequences of removing them.
I don't think the hippies are whining, exactly. They're saying, HEY! you guys are making the wrong choice . . . the trade off you're making is going to bite you, and inadvertently me, in the ass. As you know, I think it's already to late to change this trade off in the big picture. And thus I think the earth, and this fun loving species, is pretty fucked.
But maybe I misunderstood you, and that wasn't your point.
In a side note, interaction with unfarmiliar males is pretty tricky. Last night I went to a party, and there was much tension. Trying to interact with guys and communicate my non-desire to steal their girlfriends away. So much effort.
And at the same time, maybe their girlfriends were flirting with me. Last night driving down DP a girl yells into my car "I love you!" Is this not all about making insecure the boy that's invested his evening hitting on her, or what?