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Michael considered fate at 13:06   |   Permalink   |   Post a Comment
Awhile ago I made mention of Jeffrey Sachs:
tuesday i listened to maine public radio during my roadtrip. they broadcast a talk from the commonwealth club of california by the director of the earth institute at columbia university jeffrey sachs. i'd link the talk because it was good but it's not on the web yet. it was basically economic in nature and the main thrust was about african development aid and how little we, as a nation, devote towards that effort. about 2 billion dollars which, standing next to the 500 billion dollar military budget well.. you be the judge.
Well, that speech is now available on the web here and I highly suggest you give it a listen. If you don't have the time, you might try the much shorter but also informative interview he did on last night's Marketplace radio broadcast here:
... according to Columbia University economist Jeffrey Sachs, the elimination of poverty is not an unrealistic goal. In a new book, Sachs claims global poverty can be eliminated in 20 years. 20 years?

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