This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.                             the guys: philogynist jaime tony - the gals:raymi raspil


Michael considered fate at 23:52   |   Permalink   |   Post a Comment
Okay, I'm going to California on someone else's dime to consider life's alternatives, delve into some new thinking, try on some cool, and I'll be back pronto, before you can say tonto.

which means tuesday.

If you're bored while I'm gone (hardly seems imaginable, since there is a wealth of archives to choose from. read 'em and maybe I won't bother to make a book through cafepress that no one will buy and you'll have to feel the tiniest bit guilty about - not that major kind of guilt but that eensy weensy kind of guilt that is jusstttt enough to ruin a really good day and bring it down to just a sorta-okay day.. Like the princess and the pea, yah know?)

Well if you're bored when I'm gone you can go read tony cause he's been linking my ass off this summer and I gotta give props to that, even if only 3 of his lazy ass readers click on the link out of thousands a day. I ain't complaining, I never click on anyone elses links either. but that's cause when I do my computer says things like:

"Firewall Blocked! Category: Shopping"


"Firewall Blocked! Category: Personals/Dating"

or, in the case of raymi who complains I don't link her when I link her all the goddamned time:

"Firewall Blocked! Category: Sicko Pervy Kiddie Pornography Ring"

Or if that doesn't do the trick for you why not go buy that book I was talking about? You can't expect me to do everything for you, now can I?

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Check out heroecs, the robotics team competition website of my old supervisor's daughter. Fun stuff!
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