Well here is a new spin on things:
Peerflix. It is to Netflix what Sneakernet is to the internet.. well, sort of. Here is the concept: You sign up for their service and make a list of the DVDs you own. You then search everyone else's lists for DVDs you want, and trade. It's basically a trading network, but with the added "bonus" of having a company behind the process that makes shipping envelopes available and keeps track of how many "trade credits" you have built up. It seems to be 99 cents to get a DVD but that doesn't include the 37 cents for a stamp to ship the DVDs out. The whole thing is a bit odd and I'm not sure consumers are ready for that sort of
grey area when it comes to "ownership".. but I sure as hell can't imagine the MPAA/RIAA enjoying this much considering how easily DVDs are copied these days.
Personally, Netflix - with it's large collection offering - at $9.99 for 1-at-a-time seems like a pretty good deal. If you're on top of things, you can probably get about 7 a month. Of course that's presuming you have time to watch seven movies a month. This peerflix thing is nice in that thee is no 'monthly fee', it's pay-as-you-go, which is a much nicer model for consumers if you ask me (even if things are more expensive this way)..